The United Republic of Tanzania
Chuo cha Ustawi wa Jamii
William Manyama is a lecturer in the Department of Social Work, at the Institute of Social Work. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He is a development professional with more than 12 years of experience in teaching, research and consultancy. His academic background reflects an interest in understanding the relationship between people and their environment from a spectrum of perspectives. His research interests and areas of expertise include: sociology, social work, social research, social policy, social administration, social welfare services and programmes. He has published notably on: Child welfare and protection, Parenting, Family planning, Family dynamics, Developmental social work, Indigenous and innovative social work models, Gender based violence and violence against children, and Community work, to mention a few. William Manyama is heading the Department of Social Work at the Institute of Social Work. He is a member of the Tender Board at the Institute of Social Work; member of the Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Dar es Salaam; member of the Steering Board of Mwananyamala Referral Hospital in Dar es Salaam. Further, William Manyama has a combination of positive attitude and hardworking spirit. Both of which are essential in teaching and undertaking any consultancy and research assignments in diverse contexts.