Chuo cha Ustawi wa Jamii

Department of Labour Studies


The Department of Labour Studies offers the following courses: Basic Technician Certificate in Labour Relations and Public Management (NTA Level 4), Technician Certificate in Labour Relations and Public Management (NTA level 5). Ordinary Diploma in Labour Relations and Public Management (NT level 6), Higher Diploma in Labour Relations and Public Management (NTA level 7), Bachelor Degree in Labour Relations and Public Management (NTA Level 8) and Postgraduate Diploma in Law, Mediation and Arbitration (PGDLMA) and Master Degree in Labour Laws, Mediation and Arbitration (MLLMA).

Training Programmes offered by the Department of Labour Studies

The Department of Labour Studies runs six training programmes which include: Basic Technician Certificate in Labour Relations and Public Management (NTA Level 4), Technician Certificate in Labour Relations and Public Management (NTA level 5), Ordinary Diploma in Labour Relations and Public Management (NTA Level 6), Higher Diploma in Labour Relations and Public Management (NTA level 7) , Bachelor Degree in Labour Relations and Public Management (NTA Level 8), Master’s degree in Labour Laws, Mediation and Arbitration (MLLMA) and; Postgraduate Diploma in Law, Mediation and Arbitration (PGDLMA).

Department of Labour Studies Staff Profiles

DR. JUMANNE GOMERA - Head of Department

Jumanne Gomera is a lecturer at the Institute of Social Work, Kijitonyama-Campus, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania where he teaches classes in advanced research method, labour economics, labour market dynamics, public fund management, principle of economics, and project development and management. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics (with focus on health economics and development policy) from Peking University, a Master’s in Development Policy from Seoul National University, and a Bachelor in Social Science from University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Dr. Jumanne Gomera is an economist with a background in health economics, development policy, gender and politics, political economy and political science. He has more than 15 years as a policy analyst at the Prime Minister’s Office. He is experienced in evaluation of development policy, particularly in the spheres of early childhood development, gender, youth, adolescent girls and young women, health and investment. He also has experience in conducting both qualitative and quantitative research and conducted a three years research to assess the effects of socio-economic factors impacting access and utilization of SRH among adolescent girls and young women in Tanzania as partial fulfilment of PhD degree. Gomera, a former policy analyst at the Prime Minister’s Office, has experience working from within the government and has a well-established network to coordinate multi sector stakeholders and fostered stakeholders’ collaboration in different tasks.
Dr. Gomera holds a certificate and has skills and experience on capacity building training, adult education and training delivery where he has conducted numerous stakeholder engagement activities including preparation of stakeholder engagement plan such as vulnerable groups planning framework (VGPF) and vulnerable groups plans (VGPs) for proposed Pamoja Project aimed at enhancing gender equality and women economic empowerment commissioned by the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and special groups. Dr. Gomera is also a member of the ECD Community of Practice in East and Southern Africa (CoPEA). His engagement in the preparation of community of practice action plan, stakeholder engagement plan and its proposal for funding modalities and a draft of a country’s organization structure. His involvement in these diverse early childhood develop projects allows him to gain a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities of promoting ECD in different contexts including capacity strengthening for ECD frontline workers.
Dr. Gomera has participated in various research assignment related to early childhood development especially in Tanzania on policy evaluation, impact evaluation study, baseline, midline studies. He is currently among the team of researchers who have been commissioned to conduct impact evaluation of Mtoto Kwanza Project that aims to catalyse the implementation of Tanzania National Multisectoral Early Childhood Program (NM-ECDP). In this assignment, Gomera will provide contribution in preparation and coordinating research protocols, design methodological aspects, stakeholders’ engagement plan, deliver training and report writing.


Ms. Asteria Mlambo - Assistant Lecturer

Ms. Asteria Mlambo is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Labour Studies at the Institute of Social Work. She has a Masters Degree in Public Administration and a bachelor Degree in Industrial Relations. Ms. Asteria has participated in various consultancies including but not limited to; Development of the National Guidelines for Establishment and Management of TVET colleges for Persons with Disability (PWD) in Tanzania in 2023, Rapid Labour Market Assessment for Promoting Disability Inclusion in Tanzania in 2022. She has also conducted research and training in the areas of human resource management in public organizations, decent work, disability inclusion, youth development and employability skills, gender in employment, occupational health and safety, labour laws, disciplinary procedures, dispute prevention and resolution as well as matters related to vulnerable groups in the society particularly in employment. The aforementioned areas are also areas of interest in research and consultancy. Ms. Asteria is also competent in event moderation.


Emmanuel Kinyau - Assistant Lecturer

Emmanuel Kinyau is an Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of Social Work (ISW) Dar Es Salaam in the Labour Studies Department. He has Advanced Diploma in Labour Studies from the (ISW) formerly National Social Welfare Training Institute, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Law Mediation and Arbitration from the ISW, a Masters’ Degree in Public Administration from Mzumbe University and currently pursuing Doctoral Degree at Mzumbe University in Tanzania under the specialty of Conflict Management. He has over 15 years of teaching experience in labour Studies specializing in Labour Relations, Conflict Management, Trade Unionism, Collective Bargaining and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).


RU FANUEL PAJENGA - Tutorial Assistant

Mr. Nuru Fanuel Pajenga is a Tutorial Assistant under the Department of Labour Studies at the Institute of Social Work. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Labour Relations and Public Management from the Institute of Social Work. Currently, he is pursuing a Master Degree in Labour Laws, Mediation, and Arbitration at the Institute of Social Work. He also attended various seminars, training and workshops in Tanzania. He also has experience working as a personal representative by presenting clients to the Commission for Mediation and Arbitration. His areas of interest are labour laws, occupational health and safety, decent work, labour inspection, labour administration, social dialogue, collective bargaining, human resource management, and public management.


OMARY, PAULO SHABAN - Assistant Lecturer

Mr. Omary, Paulo Shaban a Tanzanian born in 12th June 1994, is holding a Master`s of Science in Economics and pursuing a PhD in Economics both from Mzumbe University, Tanzania. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts with Education (Majoring Economics). His areas of academic competencies and specializations are Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Labour Economics, Agricultural Economics, Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Public Sector Economics, International Economics, Monetary Economics, and Quantitative Research Methodology. Currently he is working in the position of Assistant Lecturer in Economics in the Department of Labour studies at the Institute of Social Work (ISW-Kijitonyama campus-Dar es Salaam). Mr Omary is also a coordinator of examination. Others of similar nature and the capacity he was performing in brackets are: (Reviewing Curriculum such as Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts Economics, Bachelor of Arts with Education (Economic related) programs offered by Teofilo Kisanji University). Before joining the Institute he worked as both Research Assistant and Trainer (IOB-Mzumbe& IOB-Antwerp 4Site Programmes). His areas of interest include Natural Resources Economics, Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Econometrics, Micro and Macro Economics and International & Financial Economics. Mr. Omary has been recently working with different local and international organizations in a number of projects, research, consultancies and collaborations such as Economic Consultant at the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) gearing up for new economic philosophy (traditional indigenous sector). In research, he possesses various skills both writing and technical skills (including Microsoft Office, Excel, MAXQDA, SPSS, STATA and R to mentionfew).
