The United Republic of Tanzania
Chuo cha Ustawi wa Jamii
The Institute of Social Work Journal promotes intellectual discussions on social and business development. The Journal aims to contribute both theoretical and empirical knowledge in order to promote sustainable socio-economic transformation in the developing economies. In this regard, the journal invites scholars from different parts of the world to submit their manuscripts. The main focus of this Journal is on Social Work, Sociology, Labour Studies, Economics, Business Development and Entrepreneurship. The Institute of Social Work Journal integrates the aforementioned professional a reas to inform the development efforts in developing countries and, provide empirical and theoretical implications on the development path. The Institute of Social Work Journal is published twice a year, in March and August.
The Institute of Social Work Journal has a number of reviewers who are anonymously selected to review the submitted manuscripts. The manuscript for review does not show the author’s name and the affiliation. Reviewers are given two weeks to submit the report on the reviewed manuscript to the Chief Editor. The review reports are then sent to the author and incorporate the comments before submitting the revised manuscript. The manuscript will be processed for publication after being accepted by the Editorial Board basing on the reviewers’ comments.
Mwakajinga . L. (2021). | Comprehensive communication skills for colleges and universities, principles and practices. Dar es Salaam:Karljamer Publishers Ltd. | |
Manyama, W. (2019). | Social Welfare Services, Political Ideologies and Economic Development in Tanzania: Past, Present and Future. Dar es Salaam, Institute of Social Work. | |
Manyama, W. (2019). | Social Work, Social Policy Process and Practice: Tanzania’s Perspectives. Dar es Salaam, Institute of Social Work. | |
Manyama, W. (2020). | Community Work with Diverse Populations. Dar es Salaam: Institute of Social Work. | |
Manyama, W. (2021). | A Guide to Social Administration. Dar es Salaam: Institute of Social Work. | |
Mabeyo, Z. M., & Mvungi, A. K. (2019). | Social Work Practice in Tanzania: Learning from Indigenous and Innovative Approaches. Mkuki na Nyota. Dar es Salaam. | |
Mabeyo, Z.M., & Kiwelu, A. (2019). | ndigenous and Innovative Models of Problem Solving: Strengths, Weakness and Applicability in Social Work Practice in Tanzania. In Twikirize, J.M and Spitzer H (Eds). Social Work Practice in Africa: Indigenous and Innovative Approaches. Fountain Publishers. Kampala. | |
Mabeyo, Z. M., Mvungi A. K., & Manyama W. (2019). | Community Organising in Tanzania: Learning from the Msaragambo Model in Kilimanjaro Region. In Twikirize, J.M and Spitzer, H (Eds). Social Work Practice in Africa: Indigenous and Innovative Approaches. Fountain Publishers. Kampala. | |
Mugyabuso,E.(2020). | Labour Law and Practice in the High Court Labour Division. (First edition). Tanganyika Law Society, Dar es Salaam. |